Saturday, February 21, 2009

today need to report to band room by 1pm due to the awards day rehearsal.. did warm-up n practice a few songs.. nt long after,, been called up to the hall fer rehearsal.. arranged the chairs n settled ourselves.. had sound check n the rehearsal start.. first item was the choir followed by the band.. we played 3 pieces,, st petersburg march,, dedication, celebration n march n rockology..
teachers will choose the best two.. so we played the 3 pieces.. after playing,, sir went down n talk to the P n VP.. VP seems so happy with our conduct.. (: after all the talking,, mrs haniff went up to the stage n gave us GOOD comments.. yeah!! she said instead of choosing 2 pieces,, they wan us to play all 3 pieces.. it was a good news fer us.. after rehearsal,, we had half an hour break,,
n carry on practice our set piece.. practice till 6pm den dismissed.. will be having band practice tomorrow.. members do attend.. (:

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